Friday, August 20, 2010

Raise your hand in the air

I love questions! Questions means that you've really read over the sales materials and guidelines. No one should ever apologize for asking questions or needing clarifications. It also means you're communicating with me, which is even more important. I want to know what you're thinking and planning so I can assist with the logistics on my side.

I think clients sometimes refrain from asking questions because they either assume I will say no or they are afraid I will say no and rather ask for forgiveness than permission. Here's the problem with both of those lines of thinking:

1) Never assume anything! I am shocked at some of the things I have gotten passed through proper channels from banners hung in new locations to animals on property I didn't think we could have. I've taken some questions over my boss' head (with permission! I do like my job) and shocked her with the answers I get. It is always worth the ask, on your part and on mine. You have nothing to lose so ask me anything from the mundane to the ridiculous and let me surprise you with the answer.

2) Don't think I won't see what you're doing. It is always an awkward position when I have to say no to something that a client tries to sneak by. It makes you angry and offends me that you've tried, which makes me less likely to negotiate with you on other items. Happy vendors give better discounts - remember that. Then again, sometimes it really is an innocent mistake. Regardless of what brought us here, I always want to compromise but it's easier to find solutions that make both of us happy when we have a few months to plan instead of an hour. 

In summary - Ask your vendors for the moon, if they're smart you'll get a beautiful picture.

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