Friday, August 13, 2010

And now, for my first trick....

In this day of email, twitter, and texting, the art of a good voice mail is disappearing. Not gone, but definitely more of a challenge than you would think! So here's a quick ditty about how to leave the ideal phone message when you are calling anyone

1) Quality, not quantity- It's great that you want to talk and share your event vision with me, but my voicemail is not the place to do it. Keep it short and sweet like your mama taught you.

2) What day is your event? - I promise I won't tie you down to it! It can be a range or it can be specific. Just let me know what you're thinking ( I know you have some idea if you're calling me) and if your flexible with it.

3) Guest count - This number is critical for me in determining if I can host your group or what spaces they fit in, but I'm convinced someone out there is telling people that every time you give this number an angel loses their wings. Once again, a range is acceptable, nay expected! I just need to know if you need a pontoon boat, a steam boat or a cruise boat to fit all your guests.

4) Most Important!!! - see how I put three exclamation marks there? That means this is three times more important than the other things. Please, say your phone number slowly and clearly. A lot of people speed through this part because while everything else is an uncertainty, this part they know; however, this is the one part I can not guess on. Saying it twice is even better, because sometimes the phone cuts out and I'm one digit short.

In short- be short, give dates because they're tasty fruit, tell them your favorite type of boat and resist the urge to say your phone number any faster than you can spell "mississippi".

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