Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to ask for a discount - part I

This is it. The BIG question. The thing my friends ask me the most about how to do right. How do you ask for a discount without sounding cheap AND get it?

There are several ways to bring down the cost of your event without sacrificing quality or burning bridges. Today I'm going to go over just one and I'll be honest, it's probably not the one you want to hear.

Change your date.

It's hard. You're battling family schedules, guest convenience, your dreams, and the weather. Trust me, as a vendor I get it, but I am not inclined to offer discounts on a Saturday in May. A Friday in August though? Now we're talking. Here's the quick of how adjusting your date can save you big.

1) Learn the peak seasons and avoid them. You know that spring wedding you've been dreaming of? So have a lot of other brides. Autumn is also a peak time with the cooling temperatures and fall colors. Shift your vision to the deep summer months (July/August) and deep winter months (January/February) and you'll have more date choices and ability to hussle a bargain. Remember - not all Saturdays are created equal.

2) Think outside the Saturday. Fridays and Sunday weddings are on the rise and for good reason! Everything from ceremony sites to cocktail bites tend to be a little cheaper on these days. You can always have a small, romantic Friday wedding and fill the weekend with activities for out of town guests. I am also a big fan of Sunday Brunch weddings where you can slash your food budget and alcohol budget without hurting anyone's feelings or stomachs.

3) Talk with your vendors about what dates they would be willing to discount. Go back to my article on asking questions if you have not read it yet (LINK). If you love a particular vendor and really want them but can't afford them, ask them which days they would be willing to work with you on. Prime dates do vary between vendors so you may be able to get a great deal on a great date just by asking.

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