Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Contract Tips

You're engaged (yay!) and your booking all these vendors for your wedding. Some of them you may pay for, others will be covered in whole or part by your family, his family and anyone else willing to chip in! And on all of these agreements you have list quite a bit of information, but who's information should you list? There is no one right answer to this, but there are two answers I highly suggest.

1) List the parents - A lot of things are probably about to change for you including your name and your address. You don't need to worry on your honeymoon which address you listed for your damage deposits to go back to. By listing your parents on all the contracts, your playing it safe by putting down information that probably won't change. If the groom is paying for it, list his parents on the contract. Heaven forbid if something went wrong, you don't want one set of parents responsible for everything.

2) List who's paying for it - There are two reasons to make the contract match who is paying for it. One is to make sure that any refunds are sent to the correct person. The other goes back to that "heaven forbid" scenario when if things must be cancelled or changed, you are making sure the burden lies with the person who footed the bill.

Which ever way you decide, here are a few more tips to follow
1) Always ask if you can list two people on the contract, just in case you want to have both you and your fiance or maybe you and your parents.
2) Keep your sales rep informed of any address, phone number or email address changes so they can always get in touch with you.
3) Be sure to read through your contract and ask questions on anything you can not explain to a third grader.
4) If you make changes to your contract after signing, make sure it is done in writing either through an addendum that both parties sign or through an email with time dated confirmations from both parties.

Good luck!

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